The Role
Your Impact
What we are seeking
How we work
Application process
The role of a coach developer or tutor is to help learning happen across groups of learners via in-person delivery and/or virtual delivery. They will connect learners with sound content knowledge in an enthusiastic and appropriate manner. Our coach developers and tutors have the ability to recognise content relevance through pre-event information and intended engagement points to determine suitable completion of the course. The overarching goal of a coach developer or tutor is to help each learner to find their own role within football. We are next taking applications in June 2024, for more specific details on timelines check out the 'Application Process' tab.

We are looking for someone who:

  • Focuses on quality
  • Develops themselves
  • Values feedback
  • Collaborates
  • Has high expectations
  • Utilises support strategies
  • The beauty of delivering with a team online is being able to collaborate with staff from across the country that I otherwise wouldn’t get to work with. This has meant I now have a wider reached network to learn from and with.

    - Introduction to Coaching Football (I2CF) Coach Developer
  • Thought the course ran really well. I could see everyone's qualities and how and why they were assigned to the roles they were allocated for course one.  Venue was excellent, communication has been good. I like the openness and honesty e.g. we are all learning as we go, this helps and takes the pressure off everyone, I feel.

    - UEFA C Coach Developer
  • As this is my first time delivering courses for The FA, being able to work within a team of experienced coach developers has been a fantastic opportunity for me. My team have been really supportive of my development and pushed me to grow as a coach developer.

    - UEFA C Coach Developer
  • I take real pride in working for The FA. I have been a tutor for a considerable time and have seen the landscape change significantly, yet I still enjoy meeting new people, and supporting them to be a better coach as much as ever.

    - UEFA B Coach Developer
  • Great course which was made even better by the amazing and inspiring tutors who helped massively. It brought back out my love of the game and my desire to help the next generation get into football and enjoy it.

    - Student
  • Really impressed with the tutors on the course. They helped everyone who was at different levels within the group and made it feel very individual and specific to your development.

    - Student
  • It was great journey for me which I hope will help me become better coach and I will be able to develop my players better thanks to the knowledge I gained during the course. Feedback from my coach developer was very useful and helped me organise my session better.

    - Student

This model demonstrates the skills, knowledge, emotions, and attributes that we strive to develop for members of our workforce. This is what we focus our ongoing support and development offer around and will also be central to the recruitment process.

Our Landscapes

Click the images to find out more

  • Coaching

  • Medical

  • Welfare



How will I work?

All of the people we recruit to deliver our grassroots courses are casually contracted and undertake this work on a part-time basis, usually alongside full-time work.

When will I work?

Courses run during usual working hours, typically 9-5 so you would need to be available for the whole day(s), with the exception of the Welfare Officers Course which runs virtually for 2 hours. Courses will run on both weekdays and weekends so a flexible work approach is required.

What do we expect from you?

Reasonable availability to deliver courses, commitment to course deployment, engagement in own development, experience of in-person and/or online delivery.

What can I expect from FA Education?

Kit to wear during delivery, initial course-specific support, regional and national support and development offer.

Which role(s) can I apply for?

Take a look at the images above, all those highlighted in white are open for applications.

Can I apply for more than one role?

Upon application you will apply for the relevant landscape you are interested in i.e. coaching, medical, welfare or talent. From your application we will select the specific role we feel you are best suited to.

I’d like to be involved in the future but I’m not quite ready yet, what can I do?

Register your details with us here as we would love to reach out and support you so that you are able to apply in the future. We are particularly keen to increase the number of female, black and Asian people in our workforce, therefore if you are from a historically underrepresented group we would particularly love to hear from you.

How does the recruitment process work?

We have now moved to an open recruitment approach whereby applications can be submitted at any stage. In order to effectively manage this process we will review the applications on a quarterly basis, therefore if you don’t hear from us immediately, please do not worry.

How does the interview process work?

Once we have reviewed your written application, if successful you will be invited to undertake a recorded interview.

If I am successful, what will my onboarding process look like?

We anticipate the initial onboarding process will take 12-weeks. By the end of these 12-weeks you should have received your welcome pack, had an online introduction, and where possible attended the regional or national support and development event for that quarter of the year. From then on you are deployable should we need you to be, but please be aware we allocate workforce to course in advance, therefore it is unlikely you will be delivering courses in immediately after the onboarding process.

We are looking for people who will help positively shape football and drive it forwards. Now that you’ve learned more about what it means to be a part of our casual workforce in FA Education, if you feel your values are aligned to ours, we’d love to hear from you.

You can learn more about the specific requirements of a coach developer, medical tutor, welfare tutor or talent ID tutor – or if you are keen to be involved in the future but don’t feel quite ready, sign up to our talent pool so we can contact you when development opportunities are ready.

We particularly welcome applicants from historically underrepresented groups in the talent pool so that we can provide additional development opportunities for you, to support our aim of diversifying the football workforce.
